Knowledge Management with Reusable Templates

The SIMPROCESS Template and Library facilities support the reuse and organization of the various constructs used in building models. This capability is a tremendous advantage for organizations that want to capture and maintain the most valuable asset of a business - the process knowledge.

With a large set of libraries of reusable model building blocks, you are able to build new models faster. For example, you may develop a set of Processes (i.e. warehouse, manufacture, transport) and Resources (i.e. trucks, people, etc.) relevant to the Distribution domain, save them to a library named Distribution and use them to quickly build distribution models. Here is a summary of benefits:

  • Facilitate reuse of Processes, Activities, and Resources
  • Repositories for model building constructs you manipulate or create
  • Customizing of model elements through parameter settings
  • Placement of Processes and Activities on the Library tool bar and the Create pull-down menu
  • Grouping of Processes and Activities in user defined Libraries
  • Facilitate importing and exporting of customized model elements for use in other models or by colleagues