Activity Modeling Constructs

Entity Related - These Activities coordinate groups of Entities and includes:

  • Assemble. Receives two or more Entities and assembles them into a single Entity and releases the Entity.
  • Branch. Routes Entities through different Connectors of the model network.
  • Merge. Routes Entities from different Connectors onto one Connector.
  • Batch. Stores Entities until conditions set by the user are met, and then releases the Entities into one batch. The Entities emerge as a single unit, but retain their individual idEntity.
  • Unbatch. Separates a batched Entity into its constituent parts (Entities).
  • Split. Divides an Entity into parent and child Entities that can undergo parallel processing.
  • Join. Reunites families of Entities that were created in Split Activities.
  • Transform. Transforms an arriving Entity into a different Entity type, and releases one or more Entities of the new type.
  • Clone. Makes duplicate copies of Entities.
  • Gate. Accumulates Entities until a condition is met and then releases a specified number of them.
  • Assign. Assigns values to global Entity and model attributes and sets Entity priorities.
  • Synchronize. Coordinates the release of various Entities.

Resource Related - These Activities affect Resources, not Entities:

  • Replenish Resource. Adds capacity to consumable Resources.
  • Get Resource. Obtains a Resource and holds on to it across several Processes and Activities.
  • Free Resource. Releases Resources obtained by Get Resource Activities.